So you are wondering what this is all about, huh? To be quite, honest, I am not so sure, myself. We can get quite philosophical trying to discover the whole point of it all, but in the end we would probably reach more questions than answers. What is the point of anything, really? Regardless, even in programming this Puzzle website, I wonder why exactly I chose this particular concept. Why not just put a start button? I will tell you: I wanted to make this a challenge. I draw particular inspiration from a piece of Greek Mythology. Odyseus endured various extreme challenges when returning home after the battle of Troy. Unfortunately, one task resulted in his capture for seven years. Once he regained freedom, Odyseus set sail once again, attempting to return home twice. What a funny idea. We all have much to learn from Odysseus. I hope you use this knowledge on your quest. Your journey begins here.